The primary fields for EMFC games are located off of 30th Avenue at Lane Community College fields.
Director of Coaching:
Jurgen Ruckaberle
e-mail: doc@emfc.org
phone: 541-343-5100
Little Metro and Discovery Academy Director:
Aden Farina-Henry
e-mail: discovery@emfc.org
e-mail: littlemetros@emfc.org
phone: 541-335-1986
Director of Operations:
Daniel Kahler
e-mail: directorops@emfc.org
phone: 541-343-5100
EMFC College Advisor:
Jonny Lemay
e-mail: collegeadvisor@emfc.org
Amy Woods
e-mail: registrar@emfc.org
Office Administrator and Accounting:
Rachel Thiesmeyer
e-mail: accounts@emfc.org
phone: 541-343-5100
Fee Reduction Program Coordinator
Anne Zemper
e-mail: feereduction@emfc.org
Office and other fields
1280 Charnelton
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 343-5100
Please call to make sure someone is in the office
P.O. Box 10914
Eugene, OR 97440
Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene OR 97405