Eugene Metro FC has currently over 300 girls playing in the club. In our Little Metro program, girls can learn the beautiful game in a 6 week program in the fall and spring, and we offer shorter Summer and Winter programs. Our Junior Academy (U8-10) girls learn their skills twice a week and compete in the Central Valley League. The calendar leaves plenty of room for other sports as well as arts and music. When we form teams, our competitive teams play in the Central Region and sometimes statewide depending on their levels. At U13, our Premier teams play in a national platform and compete across the Pacific Northwest, while our competitive teams continue to develop in either the Central Region or statewide. Most of our female players compete in their respective high schools and many of them helped our local high schools to compete very well at the state level. A good portion of our female players continues to play in college.

Does your daughter want to explore soccer?
We understand that there are many other sports, arts and music programs for girls and parents to chose from. We want to make sure that girls have a chance to explore our game, develop a love for it and if they want to join our club at some point, they can. We have created a short, low commitment level program specifically for girls that will allow for some skill development and lots of fun. See below for some Frequently Asked Questions from parents.
This program is for girls interested in soccer in the birth years: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012.
Part I Girls Explore Soccer Program
- 6 training sessions on Mondays from 5:00 -6:30pm (Feb. 10, 17 , 24 and March 3, 10, and 17, 2025)
- Last session on Monday March 17 will be 5:30-7pm at LCC track field
- Price $50 and bring a friend with no additional cost.
- Location: Cal Young MS
- Time: 5:30-6:00pm
- Any Girls Explore Soccer PGM participant will get a $25 discount to our EMFC Spring break camp.
- We will organize a parent information session during which you can ask questions
Girls can participate in either part or both parts. Our intents it to create more opportunities for girls to learn more about the beautiful game.
Part II Girls Explore Soccer Program
- 6 training sessions on Mondays from 6:15 – 7:45pm (April 7, 14, 21, 28 and May 5, and 12, 2025)
- Price $50 and bring a friend with no additional cost.
- Location: Willamette High School
- Any Girls Explore Soccer PGM participant will get a $25 discount to our EMFC Girls camp 2025.
- We will organize a parent information session during which you can ask questions
Program Director: Halle Lemay

Halle is currently the Head Coach of the Women’s Team at Bushnell University, Meadows holds a National “C” License and previously was the Head Coach at Southwestern Oregon Community College, where she was named NWAC Southern Region Coach of the Year in 2022, and at her alma mater Frontier High School in Bakersfield, CA. She is coaching multiple teams in the club and has been named the head coach for Lane United FC’s USL W team.
Coach Halle will be assisted by one more EMFC staff coach and we will provide opportunities for our older female players to assist as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should our daughter start so young?
Soccer requires a high level of skill development as it is played with your feet. This skill development is best accomplished between age 8 and 12 (the golden years of skill development).
Can we play other sports?
Yes. In the younger age groups U9-U12, we train twice a week, have frequent breaks over the winter, a few times over the summer. Our coaches will accommodate other sports.
How far do we travel?
In our Little Metro program, there is no travel. In our Junior Academy, travel is limited to 3 away game days in the fall and 3 away game days in the spring. Those locations are in Albany, Salem and Bend. One game day is in Eugene. Each game day will have two games. Our U11 and U12 age teams typically play 10 games in the fall, 5 at home and 5 away games. Locations are typically Albany, Corvallis, Salem, Bend, Roseburg, and potentially Portland for a Premier team. Summer tournaments are not further than Portland.
Do we have to commit for the full year?
Our Little Metro program is 6 weeks in the fall. We offer another program of 6 weeks in the winter. One in the spring with 6 weeks. Our summer program is shorter and we offer 2 of them in the Summer. The Junior Academy is a full year but we have plenty of breaks built in and if players miss a part our coaches will accommodate. At U11 and U12 the structure is very similar to Junior Academy with breaks built in and a longer winter break. Premier teams have higher commitment level. Competitive teams have long winter break (2 months) but can opt for indoor options.
Are there tryouts?
No tryouts at our Little Metro program. In our Junior Academy we like to make sure that the program is a good fit for the players. We call it a Player assessment to ensure it is the right program for you. At U11 and up we organize tryouts. Our goal is to form several teams (typically we have 2 in each age) which will allow us to develop players at the level where they are at. It is important to get similar skilled players together and to place them with appropriate competition. As the players get older tryouts will be more serious especially when they are heading to high school.