Eugene Metro FC Referee Information
The Eugene Metro FC recognizes that competent referees contribute to a positive player experience. The Club further recognizes through refereeing, many other youths can participate in and enjoy this game. As a result, the Club takes these steps to recruit, train and retain referees.
- Anyone with a passion for the game, a good level of fitness and eager to be part of a growing group of referees should contact our Director of Operations at
- the Club works with the Oregon Referee Committee to promote and recruit referees.
- The Board of Directors and coaches work to make refereeing a positive experience. Abuse of referees by players, parents or coaches is not tolerated
If you want to become a referee please check out the information on this website.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a soccer referee. The next Referee course is on Saturday January 18, 2024 at Lane Community College.

Earning a U.S. Soccer Referee badge gives you access to all the training provided by U.S. Soccer. It provides the opportunity to advance, to work higher and higher games. Registration includes insurance. And the pay is better too.
Eugene Metro FC works with the LCSRA to organize regular training and certification courses to get referees on the field. To register for the course go to Click on Training, then click Course Listings. A list of available courses appears. Within the Course list is Entry Level (Grassroots) Eugene; click on Register Here. It will send you to a new page where you will register with US Soccer.
The course costs is $75. US Soccer surcharge is $20. Background Check cost is $30 for a total of $125. (All referees pay an annual registration fee.) It’s all well worth it and will be made up in one day of refereeing games.
So, how can I help you become a referee? Call or text (541.285.0819) or e-mail me any time 24/7.
Lane County Soccer Referee Association needs you. Referees can earn much needed extra cash while serving the game we all love.
LCSRA is hosting Entry Level Grassroots Referees courses. Go to, click on Courses and sign up for the Eugene course. BECOME A REFEREE! EMFC needs you!
Lane County needs referees!
Thank you!
Please check on the Oregon Soccer Referee site for all the details.